Monday 28 February 2011

Curry Con Carne

This mimics my definitive chilli con carne recipe, with just a few substitutions like chickpeas in place of kidney beans. Enough for 2 small portions or to feed one gannet.

Fry 200g mince in a hot wok. Add a big handful of finely chopped onion and mix well. When the meat begins to brown add 2 tsp of crushed garlic, followed by 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp ground coriander and 3 heaped tsp Madras Curry Powder (hot). Fry for a minute or two and stir in half a tin of tomatoes, broken up with the back of a spoon. Season with 1 scant dstsp tomato puree, a scant tsp salt, 1 tsp veg bouillon, 1 heaped tsp ginger puree, a dstsp lime cordial and a pinch of sugar. Check flavour, add a handful of chickpeas and heat through.


What I fancied experimenting with was cutting a pappadom into mock-tortilla chips but the supermarket was closed so I shallowed-fried some actual tortilla.....

For the pseudo-pilau rice I add a little oil to the cooking water and Chinese yellow colouring - not turmeric which changes the flavour.