Thursday 17 February 2011

Pot-roasted Mediterranean chicken & tomatoes...

....with lazy Lyonnaise potatoes and mashed carrot & swede

Pre-heat oven to hot and in a closed casserole dish put a small handful of sliced green peppers and a medium button mushroom, sliced, and sprinked with a tsp of dried basil,  half a tsp salt and 50 ml of tomato juice. Cover and bake for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, sear a boned-out chicken thigh, skin-side down, in a hot wok. Turn and seal the other side for a minute or so. Halve 3 cherry tomatoes, place on top of the peppers and mushrooms, and lay the chicken, skin-side up, on top. Cover and bake for 10-12 minutes, remove lid and cook for the same again.

For the lazy Lyonnaise
Peel 2 medium-sized potatoes (small handful each) and microwave in a closed dish for 4 minutes. Plunge immediately into cold water. In the meanwhile, soften half a medium onion, sliced, in oil and butter, on low.

Cut the potatoes into 1 cm-thick slices and add to the onions with a little salt, some milled black pepper and 1 tsp of lazy garlic - unless you live in a CH47 postcode, in which case you'll insist on freshly-crushed garlic. Up the heat a little, trying to avoid burning the onions. I served mine with mashed carrot and swede, for a bit of a change.