Wednesday 2 February 2011

Old English Bangers & Colcannon

I bought the sausages from a stall in  Birkenhead Market - £1.90 a pound - and I fancied something a little bit different from my usual onion gravy so I came up with this white onion sauce. As it's James Joyce's birthday today I did colcannon rather than straightforward mash or bubble & squeak.

White onion sauce
Small handful of finely-chopped onion and1 cup of milk. Infuse on v. low heat with a little S+P and a tiny pinch of nutmeg for 20 minutes. Thicken with a scant tsp of arrowroot dissolved in a little water. Check seasoning - I like mine peppery.

The sausages were very thick - in fact, they came in a round like Cumberland sausage - so I baked them, rather than frying or grilling.

1 medium-sized potato, scrubbed and cooked in boiling salted water until tender. Drain except for 50ml of water, cover and steam for 5 mins. When cool, peel and mash with a knob of butter. Gently fry 2 small handfuls of chopped cabbage with 2dstsp chopped parsley and a knob of melted butter; add 100ml of water, salt lightly and bring to the boil. Cover and reduce to a v. low simmer until tender, stirring occasionally. Turn up the heat and boil vigorously until only a dstsp of cooking liquor remains. Add the mashed potato and stir in 50 ml of milk, whisking constantly over a medium heat until you get the smooth consistency desired. Check seasoning and serve.