Monday 29 November 2010

Stir-fried Seafood Trio with Parsnip & Lentil Puree

I'd been at the reduced-price fish in the Co-op again.....
In a wok, in a little butter & oil, soften 2 handfuls of a mixture of peppers, red onions and courgettes; add a good handful of pollock in large dice,cook until the fish starts to colour. Add 1 tsp garlic puree.

Meanwhile prepare a sauce of 1 level tsp of soy, 1 level tsp of Hoi Sin,1  level tsp of balsamic vinegar, and 1 level tsp of sugar, all dissolved in 50ml of boiling water. To the wok add half a kipper fillet in large dice and a small handful of prawns (straight from frozen is fine) and stir for a minute. Move to the side of the pan and pour in the sauce to bubble. Mix in the fish and reduce to a syrupy consistency.

For the Parsnip & Lentil Puree:
Best made in advance and microwaved gently to serve.2 small parsnips cut into small dice with handful of red lentils; cover with lightly salted water in a saucepan with 1 tsp chives. Cook until parsnips are tender and lentils are cooked. Strain if necessary, retaining water. Mash and season with S+P, adding back cooking liquor if needed.

Rice would probably have been the obvious accompaniment to the oriental-style fish but wouldn't have sat that well with the vegetable puree so I went for spuds with lashings of real butter!