Monday 15 November 2010

Irish Stew Casserole

300g lamb chops - I used frozen misshapes from Cool Trader; 2 handfuls onions chopped; 3 large handfuls potatoes in large dice; 2 handfuls diced swede;3 handfuls carrot diced; a handful of cooked barley.

Fry the meat (from frozen is fine) to colour, and put in casserole dish. Cook the onions in the same frying pan for about 2 minutes and deglaze with 0.5L water mixed with 1 tsp mint, 1 tsp veg bouillon and 1 tsp chicken bouillon, plus S+P to taste. Add to the casserole dish with all the other ingredients. Put in the oven on Gas Mk 3.

I went out to the pub - for 2 hours - and had to add another 200ml of water when I got back! I would guess it was actually ready at 70-90 minutes.