Wednesday 17 November 2010

Braised Steak, Red Wine Jus, Mixed Mash & Veg

Approx 200g of braising or stewing steak - I bloody wish they'd label these in supermarkets by cut: e.g Top Rump, Shin etc - per person; 1 medium-sized onion, roughly chopped.

Fry the meat in a lttle oil to brown and transfer to a casserole dish; cook the onions in the same pan to colour and deglaze with 100ml of red wine and about 50ml of water. Add to the meat, season with S+P, put on lid and bake in oven at Gas Mk4 for about 90 minutes.

This is my favourite type of mash: one medium potato peeled and diced, and the same amount of sweet potato. The Co-op's selling some strange little ones at the moment which are pretty good value......
Boil vigorously in slightly-salted water until nearly collapsing. Drain and reserve cooking water; mash and add back a little liquor to a soft consistency - no need to use butter because of the taste and consistency of the sweet potatoes. Check seasoning and add S+P as required. I keep the rest of the water for a soup-base.

I served mine with batons of carrot and swede and buttered shredded Savoy cabbage.
Bon Appetit!