Sunday 14 November 2010

Noodle Salad with Spicy Tomatoes & Tuna

This was a lunchtime dish of leftovers, really.
For the spicy tomatoes: 4 halved Cherry toms sauteed with a dash of olive oil, S+P, a pinch of chilli powder, a dash of worcester sauce and a dash of balsamic vinegar. On another day I might have added sugar & basil.

2 handfuls cooked noodles - in my case actually spaghetti from the night before! Shredded carrot - I use a potato peeler rather than grating. A quarter of a red onion, shredded  in 2cm lengths; a handful sliced celery and a handful of cooked green beans in 2cm lengths. 2 dstsp tuna (that's all I had left in the fridge).

For the dressing: 1dstsp French dressing mixed with 1dstsp lime cordial, 1dstsp soy sauce and S+P to taste.