Friday 19 November 2010

Pan-Asian Chicken Curry & Rice

This is about as authentic as Chicken Tikka Masala but I at least I was listening to Imrat Khan & Latif Ahmed Khan playing Rad Madhur Ranjani (for sitar & tabla) while I was cooking!

I hadn't previously decided what to eat so I went to the pub for a think - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! Vicky, the barmaid, and a drinking buddy had just ordered a takeaway curry - and, when it arrived, the smell......... Keith was having Chicken Tikka Masala ( 2 nights on the run/runs), which I delighted in telling him originated with tinned tomato soup in Brum (or somewhere in the West Midlands). So, curry it had to be!

My herbs and spices are running a bit low and I'd used up the last of a bag of sweet potatoes the previous day so I made this up as I went along.........

Ingredients:1 handful of diced potato microwaved for 2 mins and then fried in a little oil with 1 handful of softened onion and 1 chicken breast in slices. Add 1 tsp garlic puree, 2 tsp Madras Curry powder, 1 tsp Thai Green Curry Paste, 3 tsp dessicated coconut (I had no coconut milk in), 1 tsp ground coriander, 1 tsp ground cumin and 1 scant tsp chilli powder. When the meat and potato are coloured stir in 1 tsp flour to make a roux and then gradually whisk in 1cup of milk (but be prepared to add extra if the sauce thickens too much). Add 2 tsp of tomato puree, 1 scant tsp sugar, 2 tsp chicken bouillon powder and  S+P to taste. Finally add a handful of cooked chickpeas, heat through and stir in 2 more tsp dessicated coconut and  2 dstsp natural yoghurt just before service. I only ever buy Basmati rice for general use. Drizzle with mint yoghurt.