Thursday 2 September 2010

Omelette Fines Herbes

I was in one of those moods last night when I didn't really have a clue what I fancied for dinner, but knew instictively that I'd been overdoing the rich food recently. I'd got lots of fresh stuff  - a bumper crop of reduced price veg in the Co-op again - but protein? Plenty of eggs in the fridge.....look at dry goods: "Fines Herbes" which I think one of my sisters gave me. Real 1960s pseudo-sophistication. Everyone has their own theory about how to make the perfect omelette: I cheat! I get a little veg oil almost smoking in a heavy-bottomed pan, swill the oil all around and then tip it out; turn the heat down slightly and pour in the beaten eggs (a dash of milk, a little salt, and in this case a pinch of herbs). As the egg starts to set I lift a corner with a palette knife and run some liquid underneath, repeating until most has been cooked. So far, traditional: then I put the pan under a pre-heated, very hot grill to finish off - the effect is like a souffle! I was tempted to strip the corn kernels off the cob but nobody would believe they were fresh then: use a very VERY sharp knife to cut the cobs into bite-size pieces. Leftover fresh peas and beans with boiled new potatoes and a sauteed field mushroom completed the meal. Oh, and a big glass of South African Cape!