Wednesday 26 September 2012

Curried Pork Casserole (a bit west of Singapore)

East meets West

This was a hit with Hannah: a pork steak each, fried to seal and then pot-roasted for about 30 minutes in a closed casserole dish with button onions and parsnips, in a little salted water. When the veg was nearly tender I added a sachet (70g) of Singapore-style Laksa curry paste from Knorr Professional, which I had been sent to trial. Asda do something very similar: a 180g jar for £1.63. After a further 10 minutes I decanted the cooking liquor into a hot wok, boiled furiously to reduce and then stirred in about 50g of yoghurt. I returned the sauce to the casserole while I finished cooking the rice and stir-fried the veg: shredded savoy cabbage, broccoli and peppers, in a blend of rapeseed and sesame oils.

Hannah said the sauce tasted like chip-shop curry - which I think was a compliment!