Saturday 19 March 2011

Breakfast Egg en Cocotte & Baked Pinto Beans

.....Still no dried haricot beans in the shops.
Precook the pinto beans in water for about an hour-and-a-half.
Into a lidded casserole dish:150ml tomato juice, 1 scant tsp sugar, half a tsp salt, a pinch of pepper, 2 shakes of Worcester sauce and 1 tsp milk with 2 big handfuls (150g?) of cooked pinto beans. Bake in a very hot oven for 15 mins and lower the heat to med-low for a further 15 mins - less if you want the beans quite runny.

Lay 1 small mushroom, thinly sliced, in the bottom of a greased ramekin. Add 1 tsp of clotted or double cream, season with S+P, and carefully break an egg on top. Garnish with half a cherry tomato, reserving the other half to add later in cooking.

Bake in a very hot oven for 8 mins, lower the heat to med-low for a further 15 mins - less if you want the dish runny. With multigrain toast.