Tuesday 30 November 2010

Christmas is coming......

Spicy-crumb Turkey Escalope
with warm yoghurt coleslaw and peppered wedges

In memory of the late Bernard Matthews, here's a reminder of how flexible turkey is...

I recently found a couple of packs of reduced-price breast cuts  in the supermarket - I batch-produced a load of spicy-crumbed escalopes, par-cooked and froze them. They take no more than 10 minutes in a hot oven, from frozen, to serve.

6 turkey breast escalopes;100g breadcrumbs, 100g flour,1tsp cajun spices (blend of chilli/cayenne, cumin, garlic powder, thyme, oregano, pepper),1tsp paprika, 1tsp mint,1tsp parsley, 1tsp cracked black pepper.

Dip the escalopes in beaten egg followed by the seasoned breadcumb mix. Deep-fry to seal them and bake in oven for approx 15 mins - a little less if you're going to freeze them.

This was the last of the batch - a bit on the small side so I treated myself to a fried egg too!

For the peppered wedges, use similar herbs & spices [to the meat]. Cut a couple of potatoes (skin on) into wedges; dredge with a little olive oil, a good shake of paprika, a pinch of cracked black pepper and one of salt. Roast in a hot oven.

The warm coleslaw was a bit of experiment - very tasty but I made a mistake by heating the yoghurt on full power in the microwave. To me, veg like carrots, cabbage and onions are excellent when nuked in a closed casserole dish - no added water - with the finished texture of steamed produce. I should have warmed the yoghurt dressing separately over water, I think though - it came out a bit scrambled-eggy!