Friday 5 October 2012

Business in Birkenhead

I'm always happy to cater for the Business in Birkenhead Networking events at the Wirral Society For The Blind & Partially-Sighted, and yesterday's was no exception. 

The excellent seminar was delivered by Mike Scott, of Mike Scott Associates - though I must confess that when it came to practical game-playing I bowed out with as much of my dignity intact as I could muster!

The food always goes down well, and I certainly appreciate the kind comments made by the attendees. 

I felt obliged to put on my award-winning Scouse Meatballs, after all the recent publicity, but I always seek come up with some novelties too.

A fairly standard chicken liver paté was pepped up by turning it into a smooth parfait, studded with freshly crushed pink peppercorns.

Street Food is all the rage at the moment. 
My interpretation of it is this posh fish finger butty. Served with tartare sauce & Tommy K

My sole goujons, fried and ready to insert into the mini baguettes.

Scouse Meatballs with a horseradish & beetroot mayonnaise