Sunday 11 March 2012

Bacon & Banana Bread Toastie (with Chocolate)

In a lifetime of culinary expeditions into the unknown, this has got to be one of the most bizarre I have ever undertaken on your behalf - egged on by Miss Hannah Cave. It started harmlessly enough with a conversation the other day about me going out to buy bread - all I had in the house was a new loaf of Hannah's renowned banana bread (with sultanas).

I mused that I could try it, done on my toastie machine, with a savoury filling like bacon. Miss Cave piped up that I could spread the bread with chocolate - she'd heard (she claimed) that bacon & the produce of the cocoa bean went well together....... She even added that I would have to wrap the sandwich in greaseproof paper to prevent it from sticking.

I got the impression that she'd not just thought of this! Fresh out of baking parchment or similar, I had to curb my enthusiasm until today, after I'd been to the supermarket.

Very interesting flavours!
Would I try it again?
Yes - with one proviso: it was very very sweet - I used a (milk) chocolate and hazelnut spread out of a jar; next time I'm going to make it with a bitter dark chocolate (and maybe some chilli) to enhance the flavour of the bacon and counteract the banana's natural sugars.