Friday 18 February 2011

Wiener Schnitzel via Turkey

I was on a bit of Viennese Waltz yesterday - started when I began to dip into the recent Observer Food Monthly online and got engrossed in an article on Austrian cuisine by Rachel Cooke

This virtual trip continued when I googled "Skopik & Lohn", one of the restaurants mentioned. A former flatmate once described Vienna as very Fin de siècle, and said I'd love it; last night on the phone, one of my sisters, who lives in Germany, said she wasn't that impressed - she loves Prague and Budapest for that historic-feel. My online search brought forth a mouth-watering picture of the cake display at Hotel Sacher's new cafe, featured in The Independent last year. Then, later, I got into some Facebook chat about Freud and phallic vegetables.....

So, to Wiener Schnitzel - which is now protected in Austria and Germany, and has to be made from veal - improvised from turkey breast. I'm trying not to repeat myself as I did something very similar back in November 2010, "Christmas is coming" . This uses about half the quantities of breadcrumbs and flour - 50g of each, and just a pinch each of salt and pepper for seasoning. Potato salad and sauerkraut are traditional.

Cheat's Sauerkraut
2 small handfuls of shredded white cabbage, in 100ml of boiling water, with a pinch of salt (less than half a teaspoon) and the same of sugar. Add 1 dstsp malt vinegar, simmer on low for 3 mins, covered. Take off the lid, turn up the heat and bubble vigorously until all the water evaporates. Chill.

Quick potato salad
2 smallish (large egg-size?) potatoes, scrubbed and diced. Microwave for 4 mins and poke. Some varieties may take 30 secs-1 minute longer but you want them firm still - hence not cooked in boiling water. Plunge into a bowl of cold water, drain and then mix with a little mayo and a good shake of fine black pepper. Chill.

The spicy tomatoes are here

Now for some Schlagsahne!