Wednesday 24 August 2011

Pot-roast rump steak & fake-fondant potatoes

Rump steak is one of those cuts that I don't think is usually good enough to grill or fry so I only tend to buy it when it's reduced - this batch from the Co-ey was £2.29 for about a pound; the potatoes and the green beans were heavily marked-down too!

The simplest dishes are often the best - I'd pot-roasted the meat two days earlier, kept it in the casserole dish in the fridge, and then cooked for a further half hour before serving with sort of fondant potatoes, braised celery and sliced runner beans.

Seal the meat in a hot wok, lightly oiled

 Put on top of some sliced onion and deglaze the pan with a little salted water. 
Cover and bake for about one-and-a-half hours

On the day of eating I set the meat on one side, fried some mushrooms in a little oil, added the cooked onions and stock before topping up with some thick gravy. Return the meat to the casserole dish, cover with gravy and with the lid on bake for half an hour in a hot oven. 

The potatoes were scrubbed, topped and tailed and cut into thick slices. They were baked (uncovered) in some fatty chicken stock, enough to just cover, for about an hour in a hot oven. I had to top the liquid up a couple of times. The celery was braised in a little water with added veg bouillon, covered, in a hot oven for about 45 minutes. The beans were just cooked to al dente in hot water. 

Another success!