Tuesday 28 June 2011

An Impromptu Summer Dinner

She came for afternoon tea, bearing a tub full of home-made banana muffins .....

.... and ended up staying for an impromptu dinner.

My default setting for this time of year is "burnt meat and salad" - though in truth I cooked the chicken for twice as long, I think, as I should have. My basic Mediterranean-style marinade is olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, oregano, mint, a pinch of cinnamon and S+P. For a more North-African flavour I'll add cumin and coriander, sometimes chilli too. I'd bought 2 packs of reduced-price chicken thighs the previous day which I hadn't yet boned and frozen so that was easy-peasy.

The bones and trim went in a pot with water to make stock, though as I told Hannah, I'll probably freeze that too. Leave the chicken to marinate for at least an hour, heat a hob-to-oven pan to smoking, sear the meat on both sides - skin first and then transfer to a hot oven for 5-8 minutes.

My favourite salad of the moment - which I didn't make because she doesn't like them - is blanched new crop carrots with red onion, spinach leaves, baby corn and courgettes, dressed with a little crushed garlic mixed with balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil. I had that for lunch today with a round of smoked salmon, olives and fake-feta butties.

Hannah and I had a simple mixed salad with my own French dressing, Jersey Royals and basmati rice. And my secret red onion marmalade!

Tha banana muffins, incidentally, were lovely  - but Hannah's famed banana bread is even more heavenly! I've got one chunk left for today's imminent afternoon tea!