Wednesday 25 May 2011

Pot-roasted Belly Pork, Oriental Barbecue Sauce and Vegetable Fried Rice

I had four pieces of meat all to myself - it seemed a bit greedy at the time but this batch of pork was fattier than usual and I had to leave some. I served the barbecue sauce more like a Western gravy rather than cooking the meat in it.

Preheat the oven to hot and  a wok to smoking. Sear the meat on all sides, fat side first,  and put in closed casserole dish. Deglaze the pan with 100ml of water mixed with 2 tsp Soy and 1 tsp sweet chilli sauce. Add to the casserole and cover.

Cook on high for 30 mins, lower the heat to medium and turn the meat. Cook for further half hour.  in the meanwhile cook your rice - generally, I always use Basmati - in lighly salted water; rinse when cooked. 
The Oriental, Barbecue Sauce is one I've been making for about 25 years, and which I've featured before: Sauce Recipe
For the vegetables I used a small sliced carrot (blanched first), some broccoli florets, a few quartered mushrooms and a handful each of mixed peppers and chopped onions. Soften the veg in a wok and add 1 tsp crushed garlic and 2 tsp Soy.

Remove the lid from the pork casseole and whack the heat up to full again. Stir in the rice into the vegetables with 1 dstsp Sesame oil, and shake the pan to cook.

Serve as artfully as you like, with the sauce - still steaming in my picture - poured over the meat.