Monday 30 August 2010

Dinner for Lovely Linda

I hadn't seen my mate Linda for ages - like almost every other woman in the northern hemisphere, she's been trying to diet. But I texted her anyway and asked if there was any point inviting her over - even offered her 'healthy'! "Steak & Salad?" I asked. "Steak & Chips!" came the reply. The diet was out the window (for the night, anyway), so she'd bring wine & cheese. If Marco Pierre White can re-invent the classic Berni Inn, so can I! 
The Berni classic Van Dyke Tomatoes

Instead of a bog-standard Prawn Cocktail I added mussels and diced melon (4 handfuls of prawns, 2 handfuls shelled mussels,  2 handfuls diced melon); my Thoroughly Modern Marie Rose used 4 dstsp Mayo, 1 tsp tomato ketchup, 1 tsp lime cordial, 3 shakes Worcester sauce, 1 tsp ginger puree and a pinch of cayenne pepper. I'd run out of brown bread so I sliced up a dinky little granary roll, slathered with real butter!

Prawn, Mussel & Melon Cocktail

Main course was Sirloin steak with a Van Dyke tomato and a field mushroom each; spicy, roasted wedges (olive oil, paprika, S+P, a pinch of cayenne pepper and cracked black pepper), freshly-podded peas, mixed salad and a tomato, basil & garlic sauce. Washed down with a cheeky little South African Cape.
 I could do with a bigger dinner table!

Perfect quadrillage (even if the tomato is not)!

We adjourned then to Tallula's to see The Undertakers (think Merseybeat c.1963) and then back for cheese & bickies and a start on the next bottle of vino. Great night!