Monday 21 March 2011

Chicken & Aubergine Hash

I was reading yesterday about a famous New York restaurant called the Minetta Tavern which was revamped in 2008. One of the items on their menu, as a side order of all things, is a dish called Duck Hash. The mouth-watering photograph showed something quite different to a British version of hash - this was more like potatoes Lyonnaise with chunks of duck meat in the skillet. Having just bought some (reduced price) chicken thighs I thought I could wing it, so to speak!

Parboil a big handful of peeled potatoes in salted water. In a hot wok fry 2 small boned chicken thighs, skin side down. When the skin is nicely coloured  take out and chop into chunks about 3cm square. In the meanwhile soften a good handful of chopped onions - I used red and white - in the pan. You may need to add more fat - poultry fat or dripping preferably, though vegetable oil will suffice. Add the drained potatoes, with a big handful of diced aubergines, a small handful of peppers and 2 tsp crushed garlic. Put the chicken back in with 1 scant tsp salt and a pinch of pepper. Keep shaking the pan to prevent sticking. Cooking will take about 5 minutes.; just before everything is ready  add 1 scant tsp of cumin and 1 tsp of Soy sauce.

Mix gently, cook for about a minute and serve. I had mine with baby corn and baton carrots.