Sunday 30 December 2012

Paprika & Chilli Chicken Fried Rice

A huge bowl of spicy chicken, ready to dig into

Frying the chicken breast chunks with chilli, paprika and mushrooms....

adding plain boiled basmati rice...

.......and stir-frying with sweetcorn kernels

Friday 28 December 2012

The Aftermath Of Christmas

Cold roast chicken & roast potatoes, with mixed leaves 
and a sour cream & chive dressing

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Hannah's Big Birthday Christmas Lunch

The Full Hit: Turkey & all the trimmings ...... with a twist!

Preparing the turkey by glueing two breasts together with some blended off-cuts...

....and spreading with the cranberry filling....

before rolling up in clingfilm.

The tournedos,  secured with a bandage of foil and a cocktail stick, ready to roast.

The cranberry gravy

Preparing the mash cakes

The beetroot & horseradish dauphinoise, ready to bake

The cooked tournedos, cranberry gravy, mash cake
and the bacon &sausage, sage & onion fritter

Finishing off with Christmas Pud and Rustic Rum Sauce

Friday 21 December 2012

Dirty Food

Posh Nosh likes keeping up with the trends: Street Food - yah!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Fusilli with King Prawns & Tomatoes

Cooked fusilli, with king prawns, Mediterranean vegetables and olives in a herbed tomato sauce.

The steaming bowl, ready to tuck into!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Not Pizza

Naan bread base with garlic, tomato and mozzarell shavings.

Friday 14 December 2012

Shepherd's Mushroom Hotpot

Fry lamb mince (a good handful each) with chopped onion until brown. Mix in a little flour to make a roux, before stirring in meat stock or water & beef bouillon, Add mushrooms, mint and S+P and decant to a casserole dish. 
Cover with thinly-sliced potato.

Bake in a hot oven for about 45 minutes, or until the potatoes are coloured on the outside but soft and floury in the middle.

I served mine with sweet 'n' sour red cabbage, leeks, swede batons 
and wonderfully sweet chantenay carrots.

Winter Lunch

Chantenay carrots puréed with ginger and chives.

With scrambled egg on a toasted crust.

Monday 10 December 2012

Posh Cheesy Beans On Toast

A heart-warming brunch.....

.... made from fresh tomatoes, softened in boiling water......

......and braised with pre-cooked haricot beans.....

......before seasoning with basil, tomato purée, S+P, and a touch of sugar, 

.......topping with shavings of Mozzarella and grated Cheddar, and wacking under a hot grill.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Chicken, Bacon & Leek Crumble

Slices of chicken breast baked with bacon and leeks in a cheddar sauce
topped with a savoury crumble overcoat.
Served with beetroot mash and seasonal vegetables

Saturday 1 December 2012

Kipper & Balsamic Tomatoes

Manx Kipper (with the head on)
with cherry tomatoes sautéed with balsamic and Worcester sauce
with a fried - rather than the usual poached - egg