Friday 24 August 2012

Mersey or Mediterranean?

For the second time today, I’m on fish! 

 Lunch consisted of cold pasta with flaked smoked herring, onions and olives, mixed up with soft cream cheese. Seasoning was minimal  - just a pinch of salt and freshly-ground pepper.

And to complete, a handful of leaf and freshly-picked cherry tomatoes from the plant Hannah's mother gave me last weekend.

Dinner was bargain basement in terms of cost, but fit for a king of Sparta in terms of luxury! Hannah recently treated me to two packs of rainbow trout – four whole, gutted fish for just 50 pence each (Frozen Bargains, Old Swan)!   

My uncle, who used to be Director of Torrey Marine Research Station in Aberdeen, told me when I was a kid that frozen fish is actually fresher than fresh! So there!

I topped and tailed one trout and marinated it in olive oil, with a little garlic, lemon juice, ground cumin and coriander and a pinch of S+P. Simply grilled on each side, I served it on a purée of rhubarb (free, from Hannah’s brother’s garden) with new potatoes and asparagus slathered with butter.

Friday 17 August 2012

Piquant Poached Herring Salad (Reprise)

Herring fillet poached in vinegar
with pink & black peppercorns and sliced pickled onions.
Served warm, with potato salad and French-dressed coleslaw.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Duck & Vegetable Banh Mi

This morning I've been reading about Banh Mi - which sounds like Irish Gaelic to me but is/are Vietnamese filled baguettes: a hangover from French colonial rule. (Big Hospitality, 9th August 2012)

My duck & spicy veg effort used up some fridge and freezer leftovers - and was pretty darned good for a first attempt!

 Filled baguette before baking

Saturday 4 August 2012

Fruit & Nut Sundae

Another of those Love Food, Hate Waste dishes
I bought a big box of cheap biscuits recently but lots were broken, and I'm too mean to throw them out. I think I had in mind a sort of cheesecake base as I crushed them up - but in the end I folded them into some whipped cream. Fresh pears and pineapple, chopped up with dates went in, together with some walnut pieces......... And voila!

Thursday 2 August 2012

Chips & Rice with Curry Sauce

Not your everyday chip shop chips!
Sweet potato chips and basmati rice
with chicken in my own fruity Madras sauce