Saturday 4 February 2012

Bacon & Brie Bread & Butter Pudding

So simple, but oh so tasty!

Grease a small pie tin and line with 2 slices of stale bread and butter, cut into quarters.

In the meanwhile, cook one rasher of bacon to crispy and cut into small pieces.

 Whisk one medium egg with a heaped dstsp of creme fraiche.

Cover the bread and butter with approximately 2oz of sliced brie.Scatter with the bacon.

Pour over the egg and creme fraiche mix......

.....and sprinkle with a small handful of grated cheddar.

Bake in a very hot oven for about 15 minutes......

......and eat!

Bon appetit!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Cheesy Beans & Poached Egg

 Comfort food for this icy snap, sure - but with a little twist of my own! I've used butter beans - approximately 2 handfuls - in a simple tomato sauce of passata, tomato purée, a little water, S+P and sugar to taste, and then thickened with instant cheese sauce granules. Pile on to thick buttered toast, sprinkle with mature cheddar, under the grill to melt the cheese and top with a poached egg. 
 Lunchtime or Supper - take your pick!