Friday 14 October 2011

Braised Beef Casserole

I had some button mushrooms in the fridge which had seen better days; I also had some (pickling) onions - picked up at a reduced price on the first day of trading at the new Morrisons - plus some cauliflower, broccoli and some carrots given to me by Hannah's ma. Real stew (or casserole) fare...... What did suprise me, when I popped the 200 yards to the supermarket, was that silverside was a £1 cheaper per kilo than skirt. I cut the meat into 2cm-thick slices, sealed the steaks in a hot pan, deglazed with some lightly salted water, and into a closed casserole on a bed of mushrooms. Cook in a medium oven (Mark 5) for about an hour, add the peeled onions and top with sliced potatoes.

After a further hour, check that everything is cooked; drain the cooking liquor into a saucepan, season with gravy granules and thicken with cornflour. Return the gravy to the dish and serve. Yum!