Friday 15 April 2011

AZ's Homemade KFC

Sometimes - particularly when you or I have come back from the pub with the munchies - only so-called junk food will satisfy. This is a dish I tend to batch-produce and freeze: only takes a few minutes of "ping", and my cheat's tip is to put it - and the microwaved jacket potato - under a hot grill to crisp up.

For enough crumb to make 6 pieces, mix together 100g breadcrumbs,100g flour, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp dried mint, 1 tsp parsley,1 tsp cracked black pepper and 1 tsp cajun spices (chilli/cayenne, cumin, garlic, thyme, oregano & pepper). Dip chicken pieces into a bowl of beaten egg and then into the crumb mix. Shake off excess, deep-fry to seal, and then bake in a hot oven for approx 20 mins.

Rather than chips I had a jacket potato stuffed with full fat cream cheese, home-made coleslaw and I used up some spinach leaves in a mixed salad.