Wednesday 1 December 2010

Turkey via Florence, with Tarragon Potatoes

Christmas is coming/ R.I.P. Bernard Matthews (Part Deux)

I had this for dinner on Saturday night - I had some plain turkey escalopes in the freezer and I've always thought that they make an acceptable substitute for veal in many recipes. I had some spinach in and so I was thinking classic "Florentine" until I looked up a couple of proper recipes: I had bolognese the other night so I didn't fancy another "tomato sauce-topped-with-cheese" dish - essential ingredients of the real deal. 
So this was the result......

Dredge the turkey breast in flour, saute in a little veg oil and butter on each side to seal, add 2 sliced spring onions, 1 tsp of garlic puree and 1 tbsp finely chopped spinach. Gradually whisk in 150ml of milk and season with 1 scant tsp chicken bouillon powder and S+P to taste. Reduce until the sauce has your preferred consistency.

Cut 1 large potato (skin on) into chunks - larger than wedges, a little smaller than roasties - mix with a little olive oil, 1 tsp garlic puree and 1 dstsp dried tarragon leaves. Season with S+P and bake in a hot oven for about 30-40 minutes.

Right, that's it for turkey dishes until after the Silly Season is over.......